Cinderella escape 2 patreon
Cinderella escape 2 patreon

cinderella escape 2 patreon

Because I snuck in to watch it with you and you weren’t supposed to know. “You want me to say it was the Castle of Perseverance, but we saw Fulgens and Lucrece first. “Ah! You’re trying to trick me!” The lights of his ‘eyes’ shrank a bit as though narrowing. “Because the film was just a short bit about two guys leaving a factory. “The play or that first movie?” Galahad countered. It reminded me of the first time we watched a play together. There wasn’t even a story but you were enthralled. “Oh, I know you do.” Smiling, Gwen added, “I still remember going to see the Lumiere brothers little film.

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But you and I haven’t gone to one of those in a long time.” “It occurs to me,” Gwen finally continued after remaining like that for a long moment, “that you used to love going and listening to the stories from the talespinners, then watching plays, and eventually movies. But in the meantime, she would not allow his current condition to dictate how she treated him. Love and confidence that they would find a way to return his body someday. Her palms moved to touch it, and he felt no disgust or regret, only love. Floating away from his hand, she hovered over directly in front of his robotic face. “My boy.” Those two words were filled with such fondness, such joy in the simple fact of his existence, that they were all Gwen had to say. Keeping her level with his gaze, he added, “I missed you, Mother.”

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Large as it was, he put it flat on the ground, waiting for his mother to step onto it before picking himself up to a standing position. “Eh, guess me being a robot means I can wait that long,” Galahad replied, before bringing his other hand in. I will spend however many more to restore your body.”

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I have spent a thousand years preparing to bring Arthur back. Turning her gaze up, the former queen of Camelot met his robotic stare. “Someday, we’ll find the magic needed to return your real body,” she assured him. My… son is alive.” Saying that, Gwen stepped in to embrace the raised metal arm. But you are alive.” The joy and relief she felt about that fact clearly outweighed her regret about his condition, as she raised her other hand to press next to the first. “I am very sorry about… about what happened to you, my little polecat. Her voice had sobered somewhat, staring intently at their hands. It was an old ritual, though one they had most recently done while his hand was much closer to hers in size. Then she pressed her palm to one tiny part of his. “Hand up.” Gwen ordered, raising her own until her adopted son had done the same. “I told him he really didn’t know you that well.” “See, Harrison thought you might be upset about all… this.” He gestured with one large metal hand toward his body. The former Seosten-human hybrid, who had been adopted as a child by Gwen after his true father’s people attempted to exterminate him, sat down in front of the woman so that he wouldn’t tower over her quite as much (given his thirty-foot height, even sitting made him much taller, but it was an improvement).


Snorting audibly (a deliberate sound given he lacked any actual nose), Galahad promptly transformed from his semi mode into the full robot form. A wide grin stretched across her face, showing her gleaming teeth as she sniffed a little as though near joyous tears. With that declaration, as she stood in the parking lot of the Capital One Arena in front of the silver and blue semi, Guinevere spread both arms wide as though to hug the truck tightly. But right now, I just have to say that all the parents… all the parents in the entire universe who have ever lived… can fucking suck it, because my son is Optimus God Damn Prime!” You know that you’ll love them no matter what happens, because you know they have to be their own person, not the person you want them to be. And while… yeah, you may really hope they meet those standards, in your heart you know you’ll be happy with anything they become, as long as they try. “You know, as a parent, sometimes you… you set a lot of high standards for your child. Here is the next edition of those snippets, and thanks to all donators who help keep these stories going. Every month, anyone who donates 10 dollars or more receives 500 words they can devote to a snippet of their choice, either one of their own or adding onto someone else’s.

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